Options dialog - Logging

In this section of the Options dialog, you can configure general settings related to logging:

  • Number of log lines to cache and show in the main window 'Log' tab
    The number of log lines cached, available in the main window - Log tab, and available through the HTTP API "/log" URL.
    When this number of lines is exceeded, the oldest entries are removed to make room for new.

  • Write log files to disk
    Check this to enable writing log files to disk.

    • Directory
      Where to write the log files. Click the "..." to browse for directory.

    • Create a new log file every
      How often a new log file should be started - every "Hour", "Day", or "Month".

  • Time zone for log time stamps, file naming and rollover
    Time zone - "UTC" or "Local". Selecting "Local" will use the time zone configured in the Windows operating system.
